The passing of loved ones is always a difficult time and while there is great rejoicing in heaven there is sadness here on Earth. Resurrection Christian Academy gives individuals and the families of believers the opportunity to help to continue to build the Kingdom on Earth in their memory and in the memory of their lost loved ones through the RCA "Legacy Angel Program".
The RCA Legacy Angels are individuals who have chosen to financially support Resurrection Christian Academy through a bequest or their families who choose to give family and friends the opportunity to support RCA through a donation or in lieu of flowers in memory of their loved one. The RCA Legacy Angels are remembered each year at the RCA Fundraising Dinner and take their place on our Memory Fountain in the lobby of the school. We are grateful for the financial support that the Legacy Angels provide to us and are honoured to be able to continue their legacy.
If you would like to personally support RCA in this way or would like your family member to become an RCA Legacy Angel, please call the school at 519-836-5395.
If you would like to donate to RCA in memory of one of our Legacy Angels please click on the donate button below:
2024 - Gino Brombal
2020 - Dorothy & Ian Howard
2020 - Gerry Van Holst
2020 - Todd Branchflower
2020 - Donald McLaren
2019 - Goldie McLaren
2018 - George Fisher
2017 - Del Edwards
2017 - David Brubaker
2017 - John Oskam
2017 - Jean Van Holst
2016 - Charles (Tom) Warren
2015 - Nick Carravaggio
2014 - Alex Foto
2013 - Fraser Thatcher
2012 - Jean Hanna
2011 - Isabel Warren

The Great Commission
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Legacy Angels Fountain - Prior to our 2019 Gala Fundraiser, faculty, staff, friends and Legacy Families got to witness the unveiling of the new Legacy Angels fountain. Attendees were blown away by the beauty and quality of the fountain which was built and donated by John Oskam of Oskam Welding as a tribute to all the Legacy Angels including his father John Oskam Sr.