GRADE 5 to 8
Fostering Leadership

Middle School (Grades 5-8) subjects are taught in a rotary style, enabling teachers to focus more on their area of speciality. This also provides a continuity of learning in each subject area as students progress through these grades. Dedicated Music, Science and French classrooms enhance the rotary experience.
Math & Science
Students follow a progressive, text-based math curriculum throughout middle school, and are also provided with opportunities to apply mathematical knowledge and reasoning to ‘real life’ applications. In Science, students explore a wide variety of topics (including those found in the Ontario Curriculum) each year. The RCA science curriculum is based upon grade specific Christian textbooks but has a strong focus on hands-on learning and investigation.

Other Highlights of Middle School:
Crew Time at the beginning of each day, with their homeroom teacher. This time is dedicated to prayer, devotional readings and social-emotional development
Daily Bible class (or chapel on Wednesday)
Weekly art & music classes
Physical education three times a week
Opportunities for inter-school competitions in a variety of sports: cross country, track and field, badminton, soccer, volleyball, bowling, floor hockey and basketball.
Periodic ‘elective’ afternoons provide students with the opportunity to explore other areas of interest and learn new skills.
Leadership opportunities through student council, chapel praise team & tech teams, announcements, safety patrol and more.
Private music lessons (separate from RCA classes and tuition) are available on-site upon request.