Grade 7/8 Digital Technology Course
Topics to be Covered *
Google Classroom - how to navigate and use the application for assignment submission.
Terminology – review of computer basics & introduction of more advanced topics(G8).
Computer Hardware & Peripherals including storage media.
Software – Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, Chrome, Android, etc.).
Software – Productivity (e.g. M.S. Office, Prezi, Google Apps) & Practical Applications.
Setting up online quizzes, forms and surveys using Kahoot and Google Forms.
Files and Folders – file formats, saving & locating files, creating folders, organizing data, etc.
Internet Security and Safety and Ergonomics
Touch Screen and other technology - phones, tablets, SMART Boards and Chromebooks.
What’s new - wearable tech, robots, drones, wireless technology, VR, coding, etc.
Multimedia Applications such as electronic resumes, websites, audio, photo & video editing.
Ethical Use of Technology and Critical Analysis of Digital Media.
Assignments/Testing Methods
System Specs Assignment
Build-a-Computer Project(G8)
Spreadsheet Tuck Shop Assignment(G8)
Google Apps Assignments
Prezi Presentation Project
Robot Construction and Coding Projects
Webpage Project(G8)
Audio/Photo/Video Editing project
Digital Resumes(G8)
Two Interim Tests - short answer, multiple choice and workstation exercises
Final Exam – written (multiple choice & short answer) and practical.
Length and Methods of Course
About 35 weeks x .75 hrs./wk. formal teaching time.
Mixed format – lecture with PowerPoint/Prezi, demonstrations, media clips, field trips and special guests, hands on activities and workstation exercises.
Some written information will be given out but most materials will be distributed through the Google classroom via the RCA Cloud.
Reference material may also be posted to the RCA web site or shared in Google Docs.
*Topics may vary due to time constraints, specific needs of the class and are grade variant.